Hollywood loves to use extreme depictions of mental illness to make movies, and they’re not always concerned with accuracy or sensitivity.

You’ve probably heard dissociative identity disorder (DID) referenced in many Hollywood films or TV shows. The latest example, Split, portrays a highly stigmatising, inaccurate version of dissociative identity disorder (DID).

Thank you to SANE Australia for providing some facts about this complex mental health issue.

What is dissociative identity disorder?

DID is a complex mental illness. Its defining feature is the presence of at least two alternate personalities (alters) who routinely take control of the person’s behaviour. A person with DID also experiences noticeable, recurring gaps in their memory.

DID is associated with overwhelming experiences, traumatic events and/or abuse during childhood.

DID was formerly known as split personality or multiple personality disorder, but the correct name is dissociative identity disorder.

Full article: https://www.sane.org/information-stories/the-sane-blog/mythbusters/busting-the-myths-about-dissociative-identity-disorder

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