Psychology Says Let Them See You Doing These 10 Things

 This powerful parenting advice puts the ‘show’ in show and tell.

By Scott Mautz Keynote speaker and author, ‘Find the Fire’ and ‘Make It Matter’ @scott_mautz

“We aren’t raising children, we’re raising adults,” says family therapist, psychotherapist, and author Susan Stiffelman. What we do as parents creates our kids’ sense of normal, which ingrains habits and behaviors that carry into adulthood.

Of course, we want the best for our children–for them to have a lifetime of happiness, to be prepared for the real world, or to simply do better in school. Most often we want them to succeed, and so we search for advice to pass on.

But the best help here comes from what you show, not tell.

Stiffelman told Parenting there are specific things parents can role-model to most effectively foster well-adjusted, successful young adults, which I’ve blended here with personal experiences. Let your kids see you:

    1. Struggle.
    2. Cry.
    3. Smooch your partner.
    4. Exercise.
    5. Attend to the universe, not just the “you-niverse.”
    6. Making choices to spend to your means.
    7. Learn.
    8. Be kind to yourself.
    9. Be inwardly reflective.
    10. Be creative

Read the full article:

Photo by Danielle MacInnes on Unsplash